Monday, April 16, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

How To: Be an ass in front of an actor you have a huge fan-crush on.

So my real life is kinda boring ... okay okay, really boring ... don't give me that look! Still, every now and then I have a moment that even amazes me!

I'm a Sagittarius and according to those astrological thingy's (and yes that's the technical term) that I read each afternoon I'm prone to bluntness, in the extreme. In most cases I would agree with this assessment, in almost every faucet of my life I find that I regularly open mouth, insert foot and yet still able to ramble on like an idiot. Last Tuesday was no exception to this very inconvenient rule.

I work in Stratford Ontario, yes home of the Beebs, no this isn't a story about him. The closest I've ever come to Justin Beiber is making pizza for his two uncles ... the one likes anchovies. Anywho, I work in Stratford as I said, in a small business Video store, Video Plus Book and CD's to be exact. One of the perks, I guess, is that on occasion I do get to interact with some celebrities, well known and not so well known.

Since actors and actresses can write off their entertainment purchases most want a receipt and our customer notes reflect such wants. I know this and can usually prepare our old system for said receipt once I see the actor or actress approach.

So, on Tuesday it was business as usual. I saw a man walk in, recognized him as an actor and began the process of preparing the computer to print a receipt. At this point I should mention that although I was aware that this person was indeed an actor I did not know his name, nor did I recognize him from any show or movie in particular.

He grabbed "Game of Thrones Season 1" to rent and brought it to the counter. I asked for his membership number and if he wanted a receipt. Since it's all such a blur I can't exactly remember now how it was that we got on the topic of him being an actor but let's just say I made a point that he was and he agreed to said point.

We went through the usual rental stuff, I made the polite conversation in my customer service tone and was almost home free when he rounded the corner to leave.

That's when it happened. 

Having the sale complete and the knowledge of his profession in hand I shout out like an idiot, "Were you in anything good?"

Yeah, I know.

No really, I know.

I have no excuse for myself, as I said the foot usually finds it's way to the mouth. Like the nice guy that he is he just laughed as I apologized and asked if that question was rude... all the while thinking to myself, "Of course it was rude you idiot!"

He responded with, "No, of course not." I almost believed in him too, probably would have if it wasn't for the fact that I was the other person involved in this exchange and knew better. Then, and this is where it begins to turn toward the stalker fan end of the pool ... he answers my original question, our conversation going a little something like this ...

Actor: "I was in a show in the early 90's about a vampire who -"
Me: (Screaming) FOREVER KNIGHT!

At this point maybe you know who the actor is, maybe not ... either way it was Geraint Wyn Davies

Forever Knight was a Canadian TV show that played in the early 90's for three seasons. It was about a vampire who wanted to atone for all the death's he committed throughout his long life by becoming a police officer. Of course he worked on the night shift ... he was a vampire after all.

Yes, Geraint played a vampire long before the vampire crazy hit and they were the "it" thing. I was about 7 at the time of Forever Knight and yet I still remember LOVING that show, in fact Nick Knight was my first vampire crush. He was the reason I started to read novels about vampires and saw movies about vampires and yes, started to write about vampires as well.

Onto the rest of the conversation ...

Geraint: Yes.
Me: Oh my god! I loved that show, I used to watch it with my grandma all the time.
Geraint: Oh I'm glad you liked it.
Me: I had a HUGE crush on you, oh my god you were like the reason why I loved that show. I thought you were so cute. You are like ... wow ... oh my god!
Geraint: Chuckles lightly.
Me: My grandma thought you were so cute we watched the show all the time together. I can't believe this.
Geraint: Laughs ... getting a bit louder now.
Me: (Coming to my sense) Oh my god (I really did say that a lot I'm not just adding it in for word count), okay, well I'm really embarrassed now, maybe you should go.
Geraint: Laughing again ... "Oh don't be embarrassed. Have a good day."

Then out he walks.

I take a big gasp of air and continue my work day.

Wednesday comes around ... I bet you thought this story was over didn't you?


So Wednesday comes and I'm working with Al ... for those who frequent the store you will know that Al in and of himself is quite the celebrity ... and I'm telling him all about the encounter. Just as I finish by saying, "And I felt like a complete ass..." in walks Geraint ... looks at me, and laughs. And has continued to do so every time he comes into the store.

Not only does he find me hilarious now, everyone in my family now knows this story ... as well as everyone at my work ... thus the embarrassment is complete.

And THAT my friend is how to be an ass in front of an actor you have a huge fan-crush on.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Guided Meditation

I've always enjoyed meditating but have just recently began using it as a daily tool. After my morning exercise session I take fifteen minutes or so to reflect and relax.

Unfortunately for me, I'm not one of those who can simply sit in quiet and think of nothing. In fact, I wouldn't even know how to start doing something like that. Just sitting here writing this has caused at least ten ideas to float in and out of my brain.

Instead I use guided meditation. I know where my meditation will lead me and I focus on that. I find this technique to be a lot easier than nothing ... and a lot more stimulating.

So, what is guided meditation? To put it in layman terms, it's meditation with the help of a guide. This can be different things really, a candle flame could be your guide, or gentle music, most common is a taping of someone as your guide instructing the meditation you listen to the words and allow your visualizations to follow. I prefer a combination of the three, in most cases I create my own meditations and record them for myself to listen to while meditating.

What do you need to meditate?
  • A quiet space where you won't be interrupted.
  • A bit of time, anywhere from five to fifteen minutes.
  • Use your guide and let it help your meditation.
  • Be open to meditation.
There are countless of meditation techniques that can be utilized. I suggest trying a bit of everything until you find what works best for you.

Some of my favourite guided meditation sites are below, I hope you find them as helpful as I do.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

13 Laws of Personal Growth

In my attempt to grow and evolve as my own person I have come up with a list of rules or perhaps rather, goals that I have set for myself.

Throughout my experience these are things that I hope to hold onto and stay true to.

I'm sure at some point they may change but I think it's important to have a set guideline of where I am willing to take this and to not lose the real me in that process.
  1. Law of Self - Knowing who you are, your strengths and weaknesses is the stepping stone to becoming a better you. This is something that will be re-evaluated over and over in your life and you need to be brutally honest in order to make positive changes.
  2. Law of Knowledge - You can't grow without learning, at least I know I can't. It's important to learn new things, not only for your own clarity of mind but for your enjoyment. There is nothing wrong with simply enjoying something, and if that for you is learning how to knit or ride a bike then go for it. There are so many experiences in this world that most of us have never even thought of, and information out there that we've never considered. Challenge your mind and you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish. Never stop asking why!
  3. Law of Balance - This is something to be done in all areas of life: emotional, physical and mental. Know when it's time to work and also time to play ... heck balance my check book even ...
  4. Law of Responsibility - Take it. If you can't take responsibility for your actions and words what good is saying or doing anything? Own your thoughts, words and actions. Believe what you say, and say what you believe. Reflect on your past happenings and learn from your mistakes, and achievements, this will develop your personal character which is the foundation of who you are.
  5. Law of Intention - Change doesn't just happen, you have to want it. It is a conscious choice and you need to make it or not. If you choose to not change anything, don't complain when nothing changes.
  6. Law of Value - You need to see yourself as a valuable being. If you don't think you're worth much others wont either, what you project of yourself is what others see, if you don't see value in yourself and praise yourself for the good you do who will? I regularly take a point to tell myself just how awesome I am on a daily basis!
  7. Law of Pain - The reason bad things happen to good people is simple, bad things happen to everyone. You can't change the past, it's there and gone and for most people it lingers in the back of their mind taunting them, the future is unknown, all you have is now. How you choose to deal with your personal pain will dictate how your future will transpire. Learn from your past pain, and grow from it.
  8. Law of Discipline - Motivation is what starts everyone on their journey but it is the discipline that keeps us all on track. Know what you want and set out a plan to achieve it.
  9. Law of Environment - Much like the right environment will nurture a rose to grow, so can the right environment help you. A room full of clutter and mess will make it hard for your mind to rest. This doesn't involve what is inside our four walls either. Our environment also includes those who surround us, instead of spending time with people and things that hold us back and drag us down surround yourself with those who pick us up.
  10. Law of Strengths - Spend time strengthening your talents to maximize your growth. Likewise, you should spend time strengthening your weaknesses as well, but it's those natural strengths of yours that will help pull you through.
  11. Law of Desire - When you stop desiring to grow, you will stop growing. Seems simple enough right? At the end of the day you need to want growth.
  12. Law of Guides - People learn what they see. When a child grows they learn how to walk, and talk from their parents. They learn values and habits. Likewise when you are on a path of personal growth it is best to have someone to look up to. Someone who you can say you admire and wish to emulate. What you see you will learn.
  13. Law of Generosity - When you learn something, share it, and the sooner the better this is when you're most passionate about what you have learned. It enables you to help others develop who they are, and that is a great accomplishment.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Motivational Monday's #1

There are several songs out there about hating Monday's, not liking Monday's even the dreaded manic Monday's ... so I decided instead of making my Monday a bad thing I would start my Monday's off with motivation.

I found this video years ago on and I have seen it passed around countless times. The friendship and love showed in this video is breath taking. It definitely motivates me to reconnect with old friends, and make new ever lasting relationships.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Game Plan

“A year from now you will wish you had started today.” -Karen Lamb

In order to be a better me, I need to create a new game plan. After all the one I've been using currently hasn't been all that helpful when it comes to my person growth or happiness. This journey is meant to be life changing, and for me that isn't just about exercising to lose that extra 20 lbs (thought that too would be nice) but I want more.

I'm prepared for this to be hard, I'm ready to take on the challenge every day so that in the end I can be the me I want to be, the one I'm sure lies just below this one. In order to accomplish my goal I have divided my happiness into a few crucial areas that I feel need to be addressed in my own life.

No matter what happens my family has always been there for me, and whether they would say I'm a good family member or not I feel as though even at good I should strive to be better. No one feels my wrath more than my very loving and supportive husband. He is my best friend and quite frankly puts up with me when no one in their right mind would or should. He is my soul mate my second half, without him my life would be very dark indeed.

Family Check List
  • Be a better daughter.
  • Be a better sister.
    • Don't let my mother be the go-between for me and my siblings. Take the initiative to keep contact.
  • Be a better wife.
    • Don't hold back my love in anger.
    • Don't hide emotions to try and spare feelings.
    • Communicate my desires.
Heath & Wellness
In order to have a healthy and happy mindset I need to improve the health of my body as well. This means eating right, exercising daily and taking the necessary vitamins my body may be lacking. I do have a couple things on my side, I don't smoke, I don't drink and I don't do any other "recreational" drugs. (Yes, I've lead a boring existence!) But I do need to look at the facts. As it stands right now I am over weight, which can host a huge amount of health problems. I'm also a cancer survivor, which is great but it now means I stand a 50% greater chance of developing other kinds of cancer. I've been there, I've done that and thanks to a great medical team and my own personal super hero (my brother Matthew) I beat it. I don't want to go down that road again, and although having a healthy lifestyle is no guarantee of anything it definitely helps my chances. So, I will need to go to the dreaded doctor, I need to see where my body is at so I can start repairing the damage I have done.

Heath & Wellness Check List
  • Eat healthy.
  • Exercise Daily.
  • Start a vitamin routine.
  • See doctor for physical.
I'm not a Christian *gasp* I know, I know, many of you may think with that statement I have bought myself a one way ticket to hell. But being Christian didn't make me feel full filled or happy, it made me feel like a liar. I've seen so many people go to church on Sunday and then cheat on their wives on Monday or drink and become violent on Tuesday. So many preach of being Christian but don't practice it. I wasn't happy with Christianity so back when I was only thirteen I changed that. It's hard to believe that thirteen year old me had more bravery when it came to change than twenty-seven year old me. To be honest though, now I'm not sure what I am. I believe in something, I just don't know what.
Either way my spiritual journey in this context is going to have a lot less to do with God and lot more to do with discovering myself. I am on a journey of self discovery because no matter what happens in this next year I need to start believing in myself above all else.

Spiritual Check List
  • Meditate.
  • Keep a Journal.
  • Figure out my purpose in life.
  • Acknowledge the good in life.
  • Volunteer.
Because knowledge is power! And because I never want to stop learning. When I was in university there was a student there as well who was well into her fifties. When I asked her why she was in the class she said she took a new class every year. She just picked something she enjoyed and did it. Of course she also had the money to do so which always makes things easier.
Still, I don't need a classroom to learn new things. I have an interest in lots of different things and thanks to the modern age the internet is my learning tool. I can find anything I ever wanted to know with just a click of the button. It's about time I start to utilize that!

Knowledge Check List
  • Read at least one book a week.
  • Learn something new at least once a month.
  • Write down my interests to share that knowledge with others.
  • Teach something!

Life isn't much without goals. I have so many I don't really know where to start but I figure writing them down here is a great way to make them a firm something. By giving myself small goals and working up to larger ones I'm hoping it will set myself up for success. I'm a firm believer that our history predicts our future. Yesterday I started one of my goals with this blog. I wrote out an article and published it. Today I have continued the trend. Tomorrow I will try and stick with it again. Should I miss a step in these goals I will not count them as failures, I will simply create a new past in order to predict a better future.

Goals Check List
  • Blog daily. This is pretty much my journal after all.
  • While helping my own life, connect to others and help them as well.
  • Start an online business. What? I don't know. How? I'll need to figure that out. But I want to be financially free.
  • Write a novel. Or three, or ten, I have many in the works and have always loved writing. I just need to finish these things.
  • Make a friend. I'm such an isolated person I really don't spend time with people other than co-workers. It would be nice to have someone to talk to who isn't a white screen.
As it is this is all I can think of right now. I'm sure this list will change, and grow, in fact I hope it does. But for now I have a set plan in mind. I'm already breaking it down into plan's of how I can achieve those goals as well.

Right now I feel as though there is a light at the end of that tunnel. I don't feel so overwhelmed with life and it's only day two of my change. I'll take that as a good sign!

How have you changed your life for the better? What do you think of my list? Anything you think I may have over looked or need to add? I'm all for ideas and suggestions on how to grow so give them to me!

As always, thank you for reading and may your lives be filled with much love and happiness.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I've Been Found Guilty and Given a Life Sentence

Why does life have to feel like a life sentence without the possibility of parole?

Should happiness be something that is only catered to the super rich?
If not, if money, as they say, isn't the key to happiness then what is?
And most importantly, how can we achieve this so-called happiness?

Is it Universal? If doing this or having that makes me happy will it work for you?

Yes, we all crave happiness, right?

I have to wonder if happiness is even a basic want anymore. Or if it ever was. People seem almost content to be living at the corner of complaint and excuse. Constantly saying they want to be happy and yet doing nothing to ensure that they will be.

How often have we heard, or said so ourselves that doing something would make us happy?
  • I'd be happier if I was healthier and able to do the things I want.
  • I'd be happier if I could get that job promotion.
  • I'd be happier if Sarah Jones would go out with me.
And yet, instead of exercising and eating right to gain good health we either choose to just continue complaining about the problem and how we can't fix it: "I can't do this, there's no point in even trying." or back up our laziness with an excuse: "I'd love to start working out, but I can't afford a gym membership."

Thus the cycle begins, wanting something and thinking it will make us happy and yet never doing anything to achieve that happiness. How many January firsts have passed by with you thinking you will make a change? Then how many December thirty-firsts have sneaked up on you without you accomplishing a single goal?

I know I've had many.

So why can't we, or better still, I stick with my plan for happiness? If changing my life will make me happier, and I know this because the life I currently have doesn't make me happy, when do I then choose to avoid that chance for happiness?

I don't understand why so many people fight against their own happiness. Are we really that lazy?

Maybe we are. Maybe I am.

Perhaps I've gotten so comfortable in this unhappiness that I can't do anything to get out. But I don't want to be comfortable in misery anymore.

I want to be happy, I think I might even deserve to be happy, and I've decided that I will be happy, or die trying.

Don't get me wrong though. I'm not suicidal, I don't think my life is some bottomless pit of agony. I'm simply at the point in my life where I want more from it, and I don't think that's wrong. I want to be able to look back at the end of a really bad day and still know that I am happy with who I am, and how I live my life.

According to
Happiness results from the possession or attainment of what one considers good: the happiness of visiting one's family.
Before continuing on my path towards happiness it seems I will need to figure out what it is that makes me happy. I don't see this as an easy task, a lot of things would make me happy. A new car, the weekend off, spending time with my husband. These aren't all priorities and many and at best frivolous.

As I suspected the road to happiness is not an easy one and will take time to walk, but I'm willing to do it.

So I pose this to my readers. In your life are you truly happy? Can you look at your days and smile knowing that you are where you are meant to be with the people you are meant to be with?

If you're like me, not happy, but not completely unhappy either, perhaps you could join me in a journey to try and make over your life.

To find whatever it is that you know you are missing, and hopefully at the end of the journey you can say to yourself, "I may not be rich, I may not have all the answers or that big screen TV I wanted, but at the end of every day I am happy."
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