Thursday, April 12, 2012

Guided Meditation

I've always enjoyed meditating but have just recently began using it as a daily tool. After my morning exercise session I take fifteen minutes or so to reflect and relax.

Unfortunately for me, I'm not one of those who can simply sit in quiet and think of nothing. In fact, I wouldn't even know how to start doing something like that. Just sitting here writing this has caused at least ten ideas to float in and out of my brain.

Instead I use guided meditation. I know where my meditation will lead me and I focus on that. I find this technique to be a lot easier than nothing ... and a lot more stimulating.

So, what is guided meditation? To put it in layman terms, it's meditation with the help of a guide. This can be different things really, a candle flame could be your guide, or gentle music, most common is a taping of someone as your guide instructing the meditation you listen to the words and allow your visualizations to follow. I prefer a combination of the three, in most cases I create my own meditations and record them for myself to listen to while meditating.

What do you need to meditate?
  • A quiet space where you won't be interrupted.
  • A bit of time, anywhere from five to fifteen minutes.
  • Use your guide and let it help your meditation.
  • Be open to meditation.
There are countless of meditation techniques that can be utilized. I suggest trying a bit of everything until you find what works best for you.

Some of my favourite guided meditation sites are below, I hope you find them as helpful as I do.
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