Tuesday, April 10, 2012

13 Laws of Personal Growth

In my attempt to grow and evolve as my own person I have come up with a list of rules or perhaps rather, goals that I have set for myself.

Throughout my experience these are things that I hope to hold onto and stay true to.

I'm sure at some point they may change but I think it's important to have a set guideline of where I am willing to take this and to not lose the real me in that process.
  1. Law of Self - Knowing who you are, your strengths and weaknesses is the stepping stone to becoming a better you. This is something that will be re-evaluated over and over in your life and you need to be brutally honest in order to make positive changes.
  2. Law of Knowledge - You can't grow without learning, at least I know I can't. It's important to learn new things, not only for your own clarity of mind but for your enjoyment. There is nothing wrong with simply enjoying something, and if that for you is learning how to knit or ride a bike then go for it. There are so many experiences in this world that most of us have never even thought of, and information out there that we've never considered. Challenge your mind and you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish. Never stop asking why!
  3. Law of Balance - This is something to be done in all areas of life: emotional, physical and mental. Know when it's time to work and also time to play ... heck balance my check book even ...
  4. Law of Responsibility - Take it. If you can't take responsibility for your actions and words what good is saying or doing anything? Own your thoughts, words and actions. Believe what you say, and say what you believe. Reflect on your past happenings and learn from your mistakes, and achievements, this will develop your personal character which is the foundation of who you are.
  5. Law of Intention - Change doesn't just happen, you have to want it. It is a conscious choice and you need to make it or not. If you choose to not change anything, don't complain when nothing changes.
  6. Law of Value - You need to see yourself as a valuable being. If you don't think you're worth much others wont either, what you project of yourself is what others see, if you don't see value in yourself and praise yourself for the good you do who will? I regularly take a point to tell myself just how awesome I am on a daily basis!
  7. Law of Pain - The reason bad things happen to good people is simple, bad things happen to everyone. You can't change the past, it's there and gone and for most people it lingers in the back of their mind taunting them, the future is unknown, all you have is now. How you choose to deal with your personal pain will dictate how your future will transpire. Learn from your past pain, and grow from it.
  8. Law of Discipline - Motivation is what starts everyone on their journey but it is the discipline that keeps us all on track. Know what you want and set out a plan to achieve it.
  9. Law of Environment - Much like the right environment will nurture a rose to grow, so can the right environment help you. A room full of clutter and mess will make it hard for your mind to rest. This doesn't involve what is inside our four walls either. Our environment also includes those who surround us, instead of spending time with people and things that hold us back and drag us down surround yourself with those who pick us up.
  10. Law of Strengths - Spend time strengthening your talents to maximize your growth. Likewise, you should spend time strengthening your weaknesses as well, but it's those natural strengths of yours that will help pull you through.
  11. Law of Desire - When you stop desiring to grow, you will stop growing. Seems simple enough right? At the end of the day you need to want growth.
  12. Law of Guides - People learn what they see. When a child grows they learn how to walk, and talk from their parents. They learn values and habits. Likewise when you are on a path of personal growth it is best to have someone to look up to. Someone who you can say you admire and wish to emulate. What you see you will learn.
  13. Law of Generosity - When you learn something, share it, and the sooner the better this is when you're most passionate about what you have learned. It enables you to help others develop who they are, and that is a great accomplishment.
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